Taking the {Leap}

Sooo its been a while since my last post, and I know that I promised I would be better about writing. So I’m back!!

These past months have been crazy, but amazing. I never thought I would do some of the things I did but I do not regret them at all. If you asked me a year ago if I would be living in Chicago, with random roommates, and pretty much being broke I would laugh in your face… but look at me now.


My roommates are actually amazing, and I could not be more lucky. Taking a leap is a scary thing sometimes, but thats apart of life. Its good to put yourself in hard situations to learn and grow from them. Money is tight sometimes, and I may not have the nicest things in the world. However, I would not give up living in the city and all the amazing experiences I have had so far this summer.

More to come very soon.




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